Indoor bonsai

The so-called indoor trees are mostly trees from tropical origins, that do not support low temperatures. We must place them indoors, always close to a source of natural light.

Malvaviscus arboreus




American continent


The name comes from the family of plants to which it belongs (malva), viscus (viscera) because its sap is a sticky substance, and arboreus due to its adult size, although shrubby.

Malvaviscus arboreus


Evergreen shrub, very branched. Leaves heart-shaped, serrated at the edges and covered with small hairs. Intense red flowers, highlighting the exceptional stamen above the corolla


The bonsai Malvaviscus arboreus can be placed indoors in a very well-lit place, away from sources of air conditioning. If it is located outside, it must be protected from the heat of summer and frost in winter.


the needs of this species are moderate in nature. Water abundantly when the first two centimetres of substrate are dry.


from spring to autumn, with a break in summer. In case of abundant flowering, it is recommended to strengthen the fertilizer with potassium and phosphorus, especially in spring and autumn.


every 3 years, at the end of the winter before the new germination


Akadama 100% or mixed with volcanic clay (30% clay). It is a tree that likes the organic matter and a slight acidity of the soil, so you can mix the peat blonde to avoid a pH too alkaline.

Pruning and pinching


The structural size can be made in winter.


We will let the tree out its branches and grow to form about 4 or 6 leaves. We will cut then leaving only the first two or three, from which new shoots will emerge.


spring and autumn.


Malvaviscus arboreus is an attractive plant for many species of butterflies. Its medicinal character is appreciated as diuretic, antibacterial and coagulant

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