Mediterranean bonsai

These are typical Mediterranean trees, they live better outside because they need both the sun and the cold to produce fruit. Most are grown in our fields in Tarragona, the most representatives are: olives, citrus and apple.





Tree genus of the Lamiaceae family, commonly known as chaste tree or chasteberry. Vitex agnus-castus, is native of the Mediterranean area, also found in Central Asia and North America.



It is a perennial shrubby plant, with whitish bark and green lanceolate leaves. It forms small blue flowers in terminal clusters, that when ripe, give a round, small and black fruit.


Outdoor, in full sun throughout the year. It can also be located in semi-shaded places, but if bright, since it does not grow well in shady places.


Abundantly in summer, and moderately the rest of the year. It is necessary to let the surface layer of the substrate dry slightly between two watering.


From spring to mid-autumn with organic fertilizer or liquid NUTRIBONSAI from MISTRAL, applied every two weeks through irrigation water.


Every 2 to 3 years, in early spring.


A mixture of 6 parts of Akadama, with 4 parts of volcanic gravel can be used; otherwise Mistral Bonsai TERRABONSAI can also be used.
After transplanting it is convenient to water with a solution of VITABONSAI from Mistral Bonsai, to accelerate the recovery of the tree.

Pruning and pinching


Perform pruning for cleaning of dry, weak or diseased branches, in spring.


Throughout the growing season we can perform light pinching to get a denser cup.


Throughout the year, better in spring.


Its fruits, berries, have been used since ancient times for a wide variety of gynecological dis-orders. During the Middle Ages, it was considered the plant of chastity as it decreased libido and helped monks to repress sexual desire.

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