Deciduous tree, much appreciated for its bark. Its leaves show a spectacular purple color in autumn.
Outside all year, especially in autumn to get the scarlet colouring. In summer avoid direct sun exposure, to prevent the burning of the leaves.
During the growing season, water abundantly with soft water (not carbonated). Rainwater is ideal. It is important not to let the soil dry completely, since it can cause the leaves to wilt.
In spring and fall, only with a fertilizer for ericaceae.
Every two years, at the beginning of the spring sprouting.
100% Akadama, or mixed with a 20% of kanuma and 20% of organic gravel.
Pruning and pinching
In early spring.
To be done with the fingertips, removing the tips of the incipient bud before it grows, leaving the two first leaves. If it has already grown, cut to that first pair of leaves. Pinching can be done throughout spring.
Defoliation can be total or partial.
In spring, but with much care since the wire can leave marks on its thin bark.
Fine, very delicate leaves, with a very nice autumnal color change. It is indicated for the for-mal vertical style and for the formation of forests.
It can be reproduced through cuttings of fine branches or through seeds sown in summer or spring.