What are the easiest species to keep indoors?
The species that adapt easier for indoors are species of tropical and subtropical origin. As a recommendation we could suggest the Serissa, which has the popular name of tree of a thousand stars for the great profusion of small white flowers; the Zelkova which is considered one of the easiest species to work with and whose small leaves always give us a excellent result as bonsai; the different varieties of Ficus with glossy leaves are guarantee of success in indoor growing and are more resistant for a beginner in the art of bonsai.
The Carmona is another species widely used as indoor bonsai and preferred by many for its small bright green leaves. We could suggest other species such as the Sageretia, the Murraya, and the Ligustrum and each with different and interesting characteristics, which give us a fairly wide variety for us to keep close as small representation of nature with all its charm.
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