How to reshape a Juniperus bonsai?
In this blog you will learn, step by step, how to reshape a Juniperus bonsai. It is a very common tree among enthusiasts that can be easily found in gardens and flower shops, as well as in our online shop.
We are going to work to obtain a bonsai of quality and very well-structured to turn it into another small piece of art in our collection. Before starting the work, we have left an image so that you can see the original appearance of the Juniperus bonsai and another image of the work result.
1. We cut off the first branch and start running a large wire through the trunk.
2. Now we have the trunk with the wire all along its length.
3. We remove the rest of the first branch.
4. Now it is time to work on the “new first branch”, so we cut off the remainder.
5. Look at how the wire is placed on the branch without crossing with the previous wires.
6. The first branch is now attached to the wire in its definite position.
7. We will select the thinnest branches to start working with the smaller wires.
8. It is important to clear the thinner branches in order to obtain a regular and ordered growth of the bonsai.
9. Now we have the tree with the first branch modelled and in its new position.
10. We follow the same process for the second branch, here you can see the detail of the second branch with the wire.
11. It is necessary that we clear the branches. Select the best and most well-placed ones. Then we can use thin wires.
12. The bonsai now has the first two branches wired and in their final position.
13. Look in detail what a wired branch looks like.
14. We continue pruning the top of the tree, so that we can better define what will be the apex of the tree.
15. The bonsai now has a clear canopy. Its definition is now easier to see.
16. After all our work, we can now see the final result!
Once the bonsai has been reshaped, we can appreciate the new structure we have given to it.
In order to follow the objective of our work, we have based ourselves on the drawing below. The drawing shows how our ideal bonsai should look like, so it helps us to visualise it before we start working on it. It also helps us to follow the guidelines during the remodelling, and finally, it gives us a guide of how the maintenance tasks have to be.
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About the Author
Mistral Bonsai
In Mistral Bonsai we are a communication team, technicians and masters committed from the first day to disseminating the wonderful art of bonsai. A world that offers many things to share. We believe that a bonsai is a tree with a soul, unique and unrepeatable. Another of our most essential pillars is, how could it be otherwise, our close commitment to the preservation of the environment and nature.
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